What is Evolutionary Astrology?
Evolutionary astrology is a branch of astrology that focuses on the spiritual growth and evolution of the individual soul over multiple lifetimes. It incorporates elements of traditional astrology, psychology, and metaphysics to explore the deeper purpose and meaning behind patterns and experiences throughout your life.
Psychological Depth: Evolutionary astrology delves into the psychological complexities of the individual, exploring unconscious patterns, desires, fears, and motivations. It seeks to uncover the underlying psychological dynamics driving behavior and life experiences.
Transformative Potential: Evolutionary astrology views challenging aspects and placements in the birth chart not as purely negative or fated, but as opportunities for growth and transformation. Difficulties and obstacles are seen as catalysts for spiritual evolution and self-awareness.
Empowerment and Self-Discovery: Ultimately, evolutionary astrology seeks to empower individuals on their spiritual journey by providing insight, guidance, and tools for self-discovery and personal transformation. It encourages self-awareness, acceptance, and conscious evolution towards fulfilling one's soul's purpose.
Why Understand your Birth Chart?
The birth chart is a divine blueprint of your personality and beyond that, your souls evolutionary experience and intensions. The chart outlines the lowest & highest potential of your human journey, and how to come into balance in your prominent energies & archetypes, showcasing your greatest strengths and even potential shadows.
When we are not in alignment with our design as we are conditioned by family, culture & society from an early age to disengage from our truth, our multidimensional health, (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) is greatly affected. Health crisis & suffering emerges calling us back to our true nature.
Your birth chart is the MOST powerful map & compass to know thy self, to understand the diversity & beauty of the very nature of everyone and everything within the universe in which we exist, it can lead you back to true health.
Imagine a world in which we were all self actualized and heart centered.
It starts with YOU. When we heal ourself, we help heal the collective.